MVCA Offical Caps & T-shirts


Summer Mesh Cap                    Insulated Winter Cap
 $7.00 each plus shipping and handling

MVCA Offical Logo T-Shirt
$12.00 plus shipping and Handling

MVCA Offical Logo Sweat Shirt (Black not shown)
$18.00 plus shipping and handling

Shipping and Handling within the U.S. for 2 items or less is $4 U.S. funds
add $2 U.S. funds for each additional item

Shipping and Handling Internationally for 2 items or less is $8 U.S. funds
add $4 U.S. funds for each additional item

 Send your check or money order to:

P.O. Box 311
Upton, KY 42784



 All documents, photographs and graphics are Copyright © 1998-2003
by the Mountain View Cur Association, Inc. all rights reserved.