Mountain View Cur Assoc.

Mt. Cur History
MVC Assoc.
MVC Photos
Breed Standard
MVC History
What is MVC & Q/A
MVC Classifieds
Hall of Fame
MVC Registry

    The Mountain View Cur Association is the Breed Charter of the International Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance (registry). The Mountain View Cur is registered under the strictest requierments in the cur dog world. All dogs must prove themselves to meet the breed standards both physically and MUST be Certified by it's second birth date, before they can be permanently registered and used for breeding. All breeders must also sign the MVCA Code of Ethics to register a litter.

     The MVCA is a not-for-profit organization and all funds go to preserving, promoting, and improving the Mountain View Cur Breed.

     The MVCA has no membership fees and does not sponsor hunts, but does recognize all Championship points obtained at hunts and shows of registries that recognize Mountain View Curs as a separate breed like IPDBA,  and NKC, etc.. This way a Champion is a true Champion and has competed against the best of all breeds, not just a few of it’s own breed.

     Because of the exceptionally high reproducing ability of the Mountain View Curs, the MVCA also awards titles for this. If a dog keeps a 90% or better turn out (makes tree dogs) for two litters it becomes a Reproducing Champion (RepCh),  four litters a Grand Reproducing Champion (GRepCh), and six litters a Supreme Grand Reproducing Champion (SGRepCh).

     The MVCA Breed Advisors oversee the registry to assure that the main goals to preserve and improve the breed are reached. They also vote on special awards like the MVCA Hall of Fame inductees, etc.. The MVCA also awards degrees to breeders for maintaing high excellence, like Master Breeder, Grand Master Breeder and Supreme Grand Master Breeder.

     All IPDBA permanently registered dogs recieve a framable 5 generation pedigree with titled dogs in red, color picture of dog, tatoo number (optional), and cirtification that the dog has been Certified in the approved titles.

MVCA now allows the following types of Certification for the Mountain View Cur Breed;

1. Certified Tree Dog  (CTD)

. Certified Decoy Dog (CDD) 4. Drug Dog Certified (DDC)
3. Search/Rescue Certified (SRC) 5. Bomb Dog Certified (BDC)

These are all recognized IPDBA titles and all MVC's MUST have at least ONE or more Certifications, to be permanently registered and used for breeding.

All documents, photographs and graphics are Copyright © 1995-2020
by the Mountain View Cur Association, all rights reserved.
Website designed by Michael J. Bloodgood